Embracing Equity at Finquest

  • Insight • 
  • 10 March 2023


We use the word Equity a lot in our line of business but seeing as International Women’s Day was earlier this week, we want to talk about it differently in the context of equality, fairness, inclusion, and diversity.

A lot has been said about equality, diversity, and inclusion over the years. And while we have made progress, in reality, we’re still falling woefully short as a society and an industry.

There are many things we cannot influence personally or as a business, but at a grassroots level we can collectively forge positive change if we pay attention to the things we can control such as removing bias from the recruitment process, providing equal pay, and equal opportunities regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or socio-economic status.

We believe that change starts with transparency and accountability. So, here are the ways that Finquest is embracing equity:

Stats showing how Finquest are Embracing Equity

Finquest Stats

Is this where it ends? No, not at all. And we strive for much more. But actively engaging and contributing to the ongoing discussion is a foundational part of our ongoing commitment to embracing equity.